Our Uniform
We still strongly encourage children to wear school uniform. Our school colours are blue, grey/black and white. You can buy uniform from local supermarkets.
Uniform Shop
We have an on-site uniform shop where good quality pre-loved items have been donated to the school. This is available to all pupils regardless of need. The uniform shop is open every school day and a small donation can be paid to the school office for these items. There is no barrier to wearing the Whittle Academy uniform and Disadvantaged pupils and their families are supported financially as required. Any family requiring support should seek this through the Pastoral Team in the first instance.
To view our Uniform policy head to our Policies page: Click here
To buy uniform with the embroidered Whittle Academy logos
We would like children to wear the following:
- A blue sweatshirt or cardigan (if you would like one with a logo then further information is available at the school office)
- A white polo shirt, white shirt or white blouse
- Grey trousers or tailored shorts, pinafore or skirt
- Grey tights or grey or white socks
- In summer: A blue checked or striped summer dress
- Grey tailored shorts or grey skirt and a white polo shirt
- Socks should still be worn with summer uniform
Shoes: Flat, black sensible shoes should be worn to school – not high heels. If trainers are worn they should be black in colour with no adornments.
Jewellery: Stud/small sleeper earrings may be worn, but we request that no other jewellery should be warn unless for religious or medical reasons.
Please label each item of clothing with your child’s name so that lost clothing can be returned quickly to the owner.
Long hair should be tied back please.

PE / Sports Kit
On your child’s allocated PE day, we would like children to come into school wearing their PE kit.
Early Years & Key Stage One
• White T-shirt
• Black Shorts, Jogging bottoms or Leggings
• Blue school jumper or hooded school sweatshirt
• White or black trainers
Key Stage Two
For Children in Years 3 – 6, the basic information and PE kit are similar to Key Stage One. Extra items needed in Key Stage Two are:
• White or black trainers/Boots suitable for games which are played on grass, weather permitting.

The school policy for PE lessons is based on good health and safety practice. For indoor PE activities (except high-impact games such as basketball) pupils may work in bare feet.
Hair Guidance
*No ‘Jo Jo Bows’ or large hair accessories
*No ‘Tram Lines’ or other designs to be shaved in
*Long hair to be fully tied back at all times